Woo hooo... 6 weeks of school work OVER!! I know John is stoked and so are me and the boys :) We have our Daddy and Husband back ha ha.
I am soooo proud of him! Yesterday morning Jacob and I went down to Anchorage to the base to see him walk across the stage and graduate (Tristan was at school). It was awesome to see him walk... and also when the guys walk across the stage there was probably a few hundred people in the theatre and the different squadrons would scream and yell and have their beeper noise maker things and Jacob was NOT happy about that ha ha. He kept turning around and scowling at everyone. Jacob is not a fan of loud noises.
Then last night John and I went to the Banquet dinner celebration. It was a semi formal event and we had a great time. It was fun to dress up (even though it took me 2 week to find a dress) and have a night out together.
I didn't get any really great pics but here are a few we just took of ourselves :)
John hasn't realized yet that you should NEVER lean back for a picture or you have NO chin
6 days ago
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