I doubt that I'll be able to update every detail and honestly I think it would be too much to take on. So here's the short version:
We moved from Alaska to Arizona. We left around June 3rd (I think). We were going to leave May 31st but we had some truck trouble and had to get that taken care of before we took on that long of a trip! It was a bit stressful but it all worked out and we left only a couple days late. We got to Vegas on the 8th day and were able to spend a few days with my family which was awesome!!! Then we were on to Arizona, where we spent 2 nights in a hotel then moved into our new house :)
After being in our new house for about a week we had to drive to San Diego to go pick up John's car that was shipped, we stayed at my Aunt and Uncles house and were able to see some family there too! We even got to take the boys to the beach for the first time to play in the waves! They LOVED it, and we did too.
We went home after San Diego, then had 1 day to go laundry and pack up to go to Rhode Island to visit family there and go to one of John's best friends wedding. It was so beautiful, I just love weddings!!
So all in all we traveled probably close to 10k miles. It was great but we won't be traveling for a LONG time. If anyone wants to see us, they're just gonna have to come to us. We've been getting settled slowly, doing some painting, arranging the house. I love it here.
The boys start school August 9th and they can not wait (and neither can I). I am trying my best to keep them entertained and not bored and doing everything. But there aren't so many things we can do in 115 degrees. I think they are just bored and ready to get back into the school routine. I registered them yesterday so we're well on our way. Less than 2 weeks!!
Anyway there's my quick post. I will add some pictures here since we've left. I haven't downloaded and shrunk the pics from our trip down so I'll get those up eventually. LOL
6 days ago
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