I hope everyone had a great weekend!
We went to the airshow on Sunday down on the base. It was alot of fun. I thought it would be nice and warm so we wore shorts.....I was wrong, WAY WRONG! lol
Luckily I did bring some hoodies for the boys so they were fine. I think I was the only really cold one, as usual.
We climbed in and out of the jets they had set up on the runway, and the boys could not get enough! They really had a great time.
The only bad part was while we were standing near the runway waiting for the F22's to put on their show, one of them flew by super close with burners and scared the crap out of poor Jacob, EVEN with the ear protection on. He screamed and started crying, poor guy :( He was pissed from there on out and refused to have anymore fun (I know thats completely shocking with Jacob right? Being bossy.....? My son Jacob, not a chance! -sense the sarcasm?)
Pics below :)
6 days ago
Holy crap!! How did you find our blog?? what are the chances? I'm so glad you did. I have missed your happy face ever since you left but being the working mother of 4 doesn't leave alot of time for phone calls, I am so sorry I haven't been in touch! I will do better! YOur family is beautiful!
I LOVE the pics!!!
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