So the other weekend the weather was amazing and as all of us Alaskans know... it's not going to last long so we took every opportunity to soak up the beautiful sun and grab some of what's left of the vitamin D pushing through :)
John is still on TDY and my girlfriend Candace's husband is out of town for work also so we are eachothers "stand-in" husbands. She and her girls usually stay at the house while both of our husbands are gone so we can both have some company, the kids play and we just go and do stuff to keep all of us busy :)
We decided to take all of the kiddies to a place called Potter's Marsh and then the next day we went to the duck park to feed the ducks, geese and swans. We had a great time, the kids got onry with eachother as usual after a while but we beat them a bit back into shape and all was well (lol).
Here are some pics from our weekend last weekend.
6 days ago
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