There has been so much going on and I've completely slacked on my blog. I will update as best I can with the least about of "story" that I can.
We'll start with me so we can get it over with. I started having headaches pretty frequently over the past few months. Then one started on my birthday and didn't go away for almost 3 weeks, migraine style headache. After a few doctors appointments and ER visits, lots of medication and an injection in my thigh they are gone now. We aren't too sure what's causing them, but we're working on figuring it out.
Second and most important, JOHN CAME HOME!!!!! It's been so wonderful having him home, he took 3 weeks off to spend with us and we soooo much enjoyed having him here. He goes back to work tomorrow and the boys were not happy when he told them. They've gotten spoiled having him home also.
(So happy to have my sweet husband back)
While he was home he got our carpet ripped up out of our living room and put down the tile we've been wanting to do. It looks amazing... pretty flawless actually. We are both so glad to have that nasty stained carpet out of our house! I never doubted him doing it, he is so very picky about things I knew that he would do an amazing job.
Last night we had a little get together at the house with some good friends. Two of my friends had birthdays yesterday and today so I got a cake and we celebrated with a birthday song for them also.
That's our life in the past month or so... with as little detail as possible lol.
See pics below :)
6 days ago
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