about my children....
As most of you know, I am a very very very controlling person when it comes to my children. I have lived alot of hard lessons and I figure its better for me to control things and make sure I have a hand in them so that nothing bad can happen. Well thats good and its bad. It's gotten to a point where when they argue I'm all over it, and I need to let them learn to figure things out on their own. THATS difficult for me because I can go in a put an end to it.
The arguing alot of times starts first thing in the morning before I even get my first cup of coffee and am completely awake!
This was our morning this morning.....
Before we even left my room, Jacob was in the doorway with his arms spread not letting Tristan threw, so what does Tristan do? He PLOWS threw (with a headstart), knocking them both over...... and then Jacob is doing his Pterodactyl like scream, which in turn makes Tristan cry and I havent even walked TO the stairs yet, let alone go down them........
What I USED to do was get irritated, carry them both downstairs crying, put them in the corner with them screaming and crying. Get a headache because of the noise, get more irritated and thats just no way to start a day. Its hard to shake off after that.
What I did this morning was completely ignore it and walk downstairs. They figured it out and came down too and just started playing. AMAZING! They are happy, I am happy and all is good.
So my lesson for the day........ let them figure it out, kids are kids, they know how to work through, and what they don't know they will work out.
6 days ago
As a mother of 4, I know too well that lesson is one that is hard to learn. Especially when you have children that are close in age! As a wise woman once told me.....and this may sound familiar.....you have to choose your battles! LOL! Sometimes it's just easier to say FUCK IT, let them duke it out and walk away. Guess what??? When they get older it still happens....but they figure out the pecking order pretty quickly. I tell my kids, figure it out....but, don't come crying to me when someone gets hurt!
What a hard lesson to learn. I constantly want to end the battles, too.
Sometimes I like to listen to how they work it all out. And I listen to hear any hits, any bumps on things, crying or yelling.
Glad we are reading the same manual, babe. Our job is far from easy!
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