Well today was Tristan 1st day of preschool for this year. He went last year so it wasn't quite as tough on me this time. He was so excited he couldn't keep still. All morning he kept asking me "is it time to go yet Mommy, is it time for school" and saying "Miss Lynette, Miss Lynette" a million times. He dang near fell down the stairs running to the classroom and leaped onto Miss Lynette.
He squirmed out of my arms as quick as he could when I was attempting to give him a hug and kiss goodbye. So, needlesstosay, he had a great day and enjoyed going back to school!
Jacob was a bit sick this morning, threw up a little. He has had a cold so since he only threw up once, we are thinking it was just maybe the junk pooling in his tummy made it a bit upset.
The fishing trip..... me and 3 girlfriends went on a Halibut Charter. It was awesome! We had a great time even though fishing wasn't all that great for anyone that day. We all came home with at least 1 fish so thats good enough. It was a long day! We drove up the night before because the place we took off from it about 3 hours from here and they took off at 6am. We didn't get back to the dock that night til 6pm, then still had to get the fish cleaned and filleted, and drove back another 3 hours home. We were all exhausted, but wow, what a great weekend !!! We saw Beluga whales, Dall porpoises, Otters, Jelly fish, Starfish.... all kinds of stuff, not to mention the beautiful scenery....look below for the picture of the glacier!
I'll put some pics here for you to see, enjoy!
6 days ago
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