Its been a hectic two days, I still don't have my luggage unpacked! lol
The boys brains are still on east coast time so come 3-4am they come prancing in the bedroom wanting us to go downstairs, ARGH! This morning they waited til about 4:30am and I got them to sleep again until 6am. But I'm exhausted.
The night we got home I feel asleep on the couch somewhere around 7pm and then John put the boys down (I didnt even hear him) and went to the store then woke me up about 9:30 to go upstairs (dont remember that either lol). And he got up with the boys the next morning and I think I slept until 8ish, maybe 7 I dont remember. But I still don't feel rested. My boys is fighting getting adjusted.
We came home to plenty of snow lol. Its beautiful but soooooooo cold. I dont think it got up 25 degrees yesterday, brrrrrrrrrr!!
Anyway, Rhode Island was a blast. We had a great time. We saw lots of family and friends and were able to spend some good quality time with most. We were busy from sun up to sun down every day it seemed but it was alot of fun.
We went and visited Dads grave a couple times of course. It was difficult, which was expected, but we know with time, it'll get easier. We still just miss him so much. Mom Costa chose a beautiful stone that sits there and while she was in Alaska she got this really cool Eagle stone and has it permanently attached to the stone. It just so perfect. I took some really neat pictures of John and the boys "visiting" Poppa and am going to put those on here. If anyone at all is offended by them please let me konw and I will quickly remove them.
I already posted some pics from our visit but here are some more....
And here are the ones from visiting Dad...
6 days ago
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