So its "Habitat Week" at Tristan's preschool and the habitat that his class is doing is the Wetlands/Tundra. Each child is assigned or chooses and animal or bug and Tristan chose a dragonfly. So we had to do a poster and put some specific information on it and all so he could present it to his class.
Well the poster turned out awesome, he did a really great job and here is the presentation he did today on video! Love it!!! I watched quite a few of the kids and they were all hysterical reading their posters and then answering the other kids questions... I wish I could've recorded them all!
Mr. Know it all about the dragonfly Costa himself :)
6 days ago
Oh Erin! That is absolutely PRECIOUS! I laughed when he said "What Jacob" and the teacher corrected him with "Yes Jacob" lol Thats a pretty cool teacher! Chewing gum and giving him daps at the end and all!
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