I know this is a second post on the same day but I thought they should be seperated.
John..... he got back to work after surgery in January and was so glad to be back. I think he was starting to go a little nuts not working at all, so he was sooo very ready to get back and get his shop back to the way it should be. I know he was pretending not to be too bothered by it, but I know my husband and I know he was thinking about it alot! ha ha. The boys were a bit confused when he went back becuase he had not been working since mid September so I think they figured we were both stay at home parents now! He just got back from an almost month long TDY to Florida last Thursday and phew did we miss him! This TDY seemed to drag on and on. But he's home and we are ecstatic!
Tristan..... we got him started back up in preschool also in January and he was so excited. Tristan thrives off of preschool. He loves all the kids, his teachers, everybody. He walks in the front door and before even going downstairs to his classroom, he loudly says "GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY" when I take him. Now anybody who knows my boy, can completely picture him doing this. He is VERY dramatic in every way. He has seemed to really be more open about sharing what he has learned this semester. He wasn't really before, he didn't want to "perform" really. But now, he sings the new songs on the way home. I have heard him lately around the house singing "little bunnie foofoo", "the hokey pokey" and so on, he was actually SHOCKED to hear my sing little bunnie foofoo with him, he said "hey how did you know that song, did Miss Lynette teach you too" ha ha!!! Tristan has learned on his own recently to add numbers together also! Tristan is just so smart... he picks up on things so easily and is so expressive and such a bright light for John and I. He is a true joy!!
Jacob..... He has really come into himself lately. He speaks so well now, and he speaks just so clearly, well except with that little east coast accent he has. At first I thought he had some sort of speech issue but it just turns out that he has Johns accent, go figure! He is so excited to start preschool come this August, and he will be so ready. He knows every letter, every number, he writes his name, tristans name and really does so well. He is still onry as ever, I think its just part of his personality. He tests EVERYTHING. It doesnt matter if we tell him not to do something 50 times that day and he goes to the corner 50 times, he will still try it just once more. I know in my heart there will come a time that this Strong personality will truely pay off for Jacob, and its such a great thing to have, just not when he is only 3 ha ha!!!
So theres my update on all of my boys, the most important parts of my life :)
6 days ago
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