Auntie Sara definitely made the day for two little boys today!
She sent them the COOLEST present. It's this little kit basically that came with live catepillars and gives you the necessary items to keep them until they become butterflies and either let them go eventually or keep them for their lifespan. I'm sure we will keep them for their lifespan.
We opened the box as soon as we got into the car at the post office to see what it was like. The boys squealed, they were so excited. And then the questions.... "How did Auntie Sara send us real catepillars" lol.... tricky tricky Auntie Sara!!
So we got home and looked through the paperwork and it should only take a few weeks til they are full butterflies. Once they get into their cocoons, we move them into the big mesh net and then within 7-10 days they will come out as butterflies. Then they gave us directions how to feed them and help them grow!!
Super exciting :)
6 days ago
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