We've been having lots of fun with Grandma here :)
Grandma was able to be there for the boys first day of school, it was very exciting :) We have been pretty strapped close to the house during the week so we can be around to drop off and pick up the boys from school.
We drove to the glacier one day and had lunch while Tristan was at school. The place was full of stuffed bears and foxes and moose etc etc etc. We took pictures with stuff but Jacob decided he was NOT looking at any of them lol. He wasn't crying at all but didn't want anything to do with them. It was so funny (see pic of covered eyes below).
We also drove out to the Wildlife Rescue to show Grandma all of the animals. It was neat! The bears were out in an area we could see and the Moose were next to the fence, it was insane... I've never seen them that close.
We'll have more pictures in a couple days I'm sure to add, but here are just a few we've gotten so far :) - ok more like ALOT OF PICTURES :) lol
6 days ago
i wanted the moose to come out and play so bad when we went to the wildlife park - no they were to busy in the shade sleeping. looks like you guys had an amazing time, your boys are getting so big... You look SO happy to - Alaska looks good on you :) miss you sweetie and i love blogging to hear about what everyone is up to... thanks for the add and i added you to
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