Sorry I haven't updated anything from around here. Hasn't been too too much going on. We've just been relaxing.
Although so far this week's been crazy! And the rest of the week is completely busy too!! Yesterday John finally decided he wanted a bigger fish tank, and so he found one and ran right over and go it. It's a 45 gallon BEAST! Full shelf unit and all. It really is beautiful. Well while he was at work, the boys and I went to get some decorations to fill it up and make it pretty :)
This morning Tristan and I went to his school for our meeting with his soon to be teacher, Mr. Clayton. We chatted and then he gave us a tour of the school. Everything is super organized and the kids are never without a teacher which will make this whole process easier for me. I have just a wee bit of anxiety over it. My baby going to big boy school, not really sure where the past 5 years went. Ok, getting teary now, so I'm stopping.
Anyway! After our school appointment, Tristan had yet another doctors appointment for this dang cough we can't get rid of! His lungs are still awesome. We have a few more days of antibiotics left and they gave us some saline drops to try and clear out whatever is causing the cough in there. While we were gone, Daddy and Jacob got the whole fish tank cleaned out and started setting it all up! So when I got home, John and I finished up the set up process, minus a few things needing to be replaced and got it running! We'll have to wait a couple days before we drop our fishies in there though, just to make sure the tank is healthy and clean :)
So that was today... Tomorrow we are having our carpets professionally cleaned, so me and the boys have to get outta here for a few hours during the morning time. Then on Thursday we have Jacob's preschool orientation (another milestone I'm not mentally prepared for). Friday is my only free day so far, but that will probably change.
Then on SATURDAY.......... GRANDMA WILL BE HERE, YEAH!!!! Grandma Costa comes in on Saturday evening, so actually the boys will wake up to her. They are soooo stoked that she's coming. We have a little countdown calender for when she's supposed to be here, they rip off a paper each day so they can tell how close it is!! Grandma will be here for 2 weeks and a couple days. Kinda stinks that Tristan will be in school most of the days, but that's ok, we'll make the time we have awesome!
That's about it for us lately :)
(our cocoons are still unhatched, I'll post pics as soon as they start emerging)
Here are a couple pics of the tank being installed.
6 days ago
How fun!! I've always wanted a fish tank--but they're so much dang work. I guess if you do it as a family-it's worth it! :)
Just wanted u to know I love reading your blog and am so glad we are staying in touch. I enjoyed your blog about friends and seasons. When does our season come back around?? I miss you!
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