King Salmon that is.... but we didn't find any. :(
John, me and the boys went out fishing yesterday for a bit. We headed out about an hour and a half to hunt down some Kings. They are starting to run, but very slowly. We were hoping to maybe get Lucky.. we were wrong lol.
The first place we went to was a no-go for me. We had to walk through some thick woods and we ended up in a small opening on the river and I was way too freaked out about Bears. I don't have a gun, I dont have Bear spray and I can NOT defend myself against a Bear... so we didn't stay long.
Then we went down about 20 minutes and found a place right off the highway that was a little more fishing friendly for me. It was awesome and I got some cast and reel practice in on a river when there wasn't anyone around me in case I screwed up and tangled with someone lol.
Anyway, here are a few pics ....
(Oh and side note: Tristan lost yet another tooth!!! This was #8!!!!)
6 days ago
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