Well this morning there was a parade in our little town and Tristan was IN it! They had the whole Little League marching in the parade. So I went down with Tristan to go to it and march.
He had such a great time, he thought it was so cool that he was able to march in the parade. He's very social so it was totally his atmosphere. They got to pass our candy to the kids standing on the sidewalks and such, it was jam packed!! I didnt get any great pictures of the busy area because I was walking with him and let's face it people, I'm a klutz... there's no walking and taking pictures at the same time for me.
Then afterward, we went home ate lunch and put the boys down for a little nap. We then picked up some friends and went to the carnival around dinner time. We didn't stay long but had fun while we were there :)
Here are some pics from our fun day!!!
6 days ago
You got great pics even if you didn't get ones walking in the parade!
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