So last night we get home from a nice evening Tball game of Tristans and I'm cleaning the house and just picking up toys and stuff. I'm in the kitchen putting dishes away and I hear a choke/cough-ish sound from the toys room...
I walk in there and Jacob looks at me with guilt in his eyes and wipes his mouth so I immediately said "what did you put in your mouth"... he said "nothing Mommy"... so I started counting in my best threatening Mommy voice "1....." he says " OK OK OK OK I have a quarter in my body"...... I said "WHAT??????????????????????????????????????"... I freaked out comletely thinking OMG a quarter could actually choke him, they're big! I yell to both of them to get their shoes on as I'm running to find mine and grab my purse, then off to the ER we went...
He's safe, it was already in his stomach on the Xray... scared the crap outta me and himself I think. It should just pass on it's own. Doctor is pretty sure its a nickel, Jacobs sure its a penny so we'll see. He said quarter by accident, he doesn't know the names off all the coins yet :)
God bless that child, where did I go wrong, he's so onry... Tristan was never like that, EVER! Jacob acts like I don't discipline him at all and I'm up one side and down the other constantly with him.
Ugh oh well... what's done is done.. hopfully its a lesson learned for Jacob.
I can't figure out how to save the real Xray pic off the disk (of course I got a copy lol) so here's a pic of it from my cell phone.
6 days ago
thankfully I have not encountered anything like that...knock on wood! So are you on poop duty?lol
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