As some know I joined curves just shy of 2 months ago. Aside from vacation and a few days of my muscles giving me alot of trouble, I go every day to the gym, every single day! (except weekends of course)
Today was my weight and measure day. I was sooooooooo not looking forward to it because of vacation and the few days of muscle issues were recent so I was sure that there would be no change or a change in the wrong direction. I WAS WRONG!!!!
Now I'm quite confused about this but I lost NO weight, not a pound! BUT I lost 1.5 inches in my waist, 2.25 in my abdomen, 1 inches in my hips and 3 on my thighs, which means 1.5 per thigh. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I mean I know people will not lose weight but still see a difference. But thats a huge inch difference to not see a weight loss in my opinion. I am so happy about the inches lost (maybe they measured me wrong lol), so I won't complain about a total of 7.75 inches for a change, but still odd to me to not lose a single pound with it.
Oh well........ on to more working out. I've got 20 lbs to go before John's work Christmas Party lol!!!
6 days ago
i had a personal trainer and if you keep it up you will start seeing the weight come off and it will be fast. you look amazing
Go Aunti!
I'm zo proud! lol OMG I just sounded like a mom. lol but keep working on it! I'm at my school gym afterschool from 3:00 to 4:30 trying to get some abbs! So far I just have a straight line down my stomach. No packs yet but I will be on the weights! Good Luck!
P.S. I dont know if you have an email, but here is mine:
Hey baby, well muscle weights more then fat and takes up less room in your body. so dont freak about the scale. easyer said then done. Tyler made me throw my scale away. I bet you look great. Maybe I should take what I know I get my ass to the gym....
hey erin its erin! of course i remember you! wow it has been forever! it still kind of trips me out to see people i grew up with with kids! funny how we all grow up. 2 boys huh, how fun! their cute as can be. i loved all of your halloween goodies you made by the way. your so creative! i feel ya on being frustrated at not seeing results on the scale. i try to just judge by how my clothes are fitting but i still obsess over that dang scale! well, good luck with the gym. once you get into it it starts to become addicting. i cant live without it now! well, keep in touch!
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