So lets just pretend its Friday again :) lol
Friday Question...
What is your favorite season and why?
My Answer: I love the Summer... especially Alaska summers. They don't get very hot, 80ish MAX! I love the sun around the clock and the fishing and outdoor stuff there is to do here during the summer.
6 days ago
I got to say the fall when all the leaves are changing colors...
I loove the winters!!
becauz I can go sleding and go "mushing" with my dog Maple. This year me, my dad, and my bros made a snow ramp in the back yard so it si so fun to go sledding in the back yard! LET IT SNOW!
I'll say summer... but not here in Vega$..... summer in San Diego... walking along the beach, wading out in the waves and the taste and smell of the ocean... mmmmmmmmmmm. When I hit the lottery (which is gonna be hard since I don't play) I'll be on a beach in San Diego turning into a fine leather bag.
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