Sooo as Tristan's 6th birthday is quickly approaching I've been getting pretty sentimental lately. I've found myself going back in old folders and look at his and Jacob's baby pictures and missing those babies. I love my big boys to pieces don't get me wrong.... but sometimes I secretly wish I could go back in time and hug the babies they used to be. It's almost like they are different people it's been so long since they were teeny tiny!!
Just thought I'd share some of my very very favorite baby pictures of my sweet boys!
6 days ago
Oh man! You made me get teary eyed! I was just looking back at my boys' baby pics and it seems like SOOOOO long ago that they were babies! I wish I could go back too!!! They get so big soooo fast! I can't believe my baby just turned 4 and Andrew will be turning 7 before I know it!!
Lokking back at baby pics it almost seems like they were never that small! You pics are so cute! It is possible I could bit off of you and post some of my favs!
xoxo ~Rhonda
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