I'm going to start posting question blogs every Friday, just for fun :)
Today is What can't you live without?
I'll do 3 things, then everyone comment on mine and tell me what it is that YOU can't live without! And this is of course family and kids aside.
1. Lipgloss/Chapstick (I can't stand to have dry lips)
2. Cell phone (for obvious reasons, I can't shut up LOL)
3. Hair clay (even if I can't have one other single hair product, I needs the spikes people!)
6 days ago
your so cute
the three things i cant live without
1. cutical oil for my nails
2. cell phone
3. Diet Dr. Pepper
2.Gel (I need the volume!!)
3.My shark tooth necklace
1. Computer to check in on my people
3.hyperclay(yep got have my spikes too!)
Over the years life has taught me that I can do without damn near anything, but if I have my druthers, I would rather not be without....
1. Diet Coke
2. Thongs (the shoes NOT the underwear)
3. The remote control (because I'm old enough to remember what it was like without 'em)
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