When you find a spider in your house do you kill it, ignore it, or shoo it
My Answer:
If its low enough, Tristan will get it for me :) If its high up, I will make a mental note of where I saw it and John can take care of it when he gets home. I can't STAND to smash any bug. I don't like the "crunch", and I'm always freaked out that its going to jump at me or fall on me, yuck, I'm getting the heebie jeebies just thinking about it!
6 days ago
im scared to death of spiders and so is Corey so its REALLY funny if one comes in the house - we kill them and then toss them in the tolit to make sure they dont come back to haunt us. Mostly though Corey has to take care of them against his will :)
When Matt would go on trips when we lived in South Carolina, I would just put a cup on the bug and make him get it when he got home. I would tell him, there is a present for you there, and there, and there. There were lots of bugs in SC. I even pulled the bed into the middle of the room to avoid the "palmetto bug" that was climbing up the wall! Matt told me if the bug really wanted me it would get me by climbing up the bed but I felt better!... I hate the crunch too!!YUCK!
well, you know ive had every critter out there in my house so nothing much fazes me anymore! spiders dont really freak me out. well, if it was tarantula maybe. oh great i said it now that'll be the next visitor in my house! ill keep ya posted!
I took Wildlife science in school, so I can identify alot of spiders, so if its one of the many I know that isn't posionous I just catch it in my hands and let it go outside, but if its a posionous spideror an unknown spider i will catch it in a paper towel and let it outside. spiders dont freak me out at all.
Sarah, when me and my little sister were in highschool, we used to do that to our Mom! with the cups lol. She would come home to a few cups on the floor of the bathroom or the kitchen or whereever it was that day ha ha!
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