I HATE being sick!!!
Jacob, John and I are ALL sick. Tristan has been lucky so far, though I did hear him cough a bit this morning.
I took Jacob to the doc the other day and he has an ear infection that he is on antibiotics for. Doc said my ears look fine, but they don't feel fine. My ears are so plugged up, my sinuses are clogged and everything else involved in a nasty cold. I didn't even know mucus CAME in those colors !?!?!?! And they say colds are biologically beneficial? Fooey on those doctors!
My face feels like it weighs a million pounds... everything from the neck up just aches and hurts. I couldn't even hardly sleep last night because my throat hurts so insanely bad. Hurt to breathe, hurt to swallow, it just stung!
Ok enough of my complaining.... have a nice day :)
6 days ago
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